Held in The Panelled Room of The Master’s House, Ledbury
Myra Connell writes: For me writing is a kind of meditation. My poems come from listening, paying attention: ‘standing somehow in the way of it’. They come from discovering what is there, rather than intending to write ‘about’ something.
I like to write whatever is in my mind or my surroundings, including, or especially, the everyday, the ordinary. I have sometimes used writing as a kind of net in which to catch the things I might notice in a day: a man in a waistcoat pushing through a gap in a hedge, the steam rising from the backs of cattle – small happenings, but somehow the stuff of life, which I want to record.
I wonder about the connections between poem-making and psychoanalysis. How does the unconscious come into the process? Are we involved in ‘making the unconscious conscious’? Getting the conscious mind out of the way? How might we go about this?
Biography: Myra Connell grew up in Northern Ireland and now lives in Birmingham where she works as a psychotherapist. Her poems have appeared in Under the Radar, Obsessed with Pipework and The Moth. Her first pamphlet was A Still Dark Kind of Work (Heaventree Press) and her second From the Boat (Nine Arches). House (Nine Arches) is her first full collection.