Wake Up The Wonder at The Poetry House!
The Poetry Pharmacy
Wednesday 20 April, Wednesday 27 April and Wednesday 4 May
11am – 4pm
Visit the pop-up Poetry Pharmacy where Deborah Alma, the Poetry Pharmacist, invites you for a poetry consultation; to talk, be listened to, put your feet up on the chaise longue and have a hand-picked poem prescribed. It’s a wonderful, winning combination.
The Spellwright
Thursday 21 April, Thursday 27 April and Thursday 5 May
11am – 4pm
What would make your life better? Take home a Spell written just for you by fabled bard Jean Atkin, and supplied on aged paper in a fine italic hand. You get to press the seal into the red sealing wax yourself. Spells undertaken for brand new babies, for a sister abroad, for invisibility, for making an Owl speak or whatever required.
CreativiTEA Party
Saturday 21 May
11am – 4pm
Enjoy a cup of special blend CtreativiTEA with Sally Crabtree (one sip and you’ll be amazed how your creativity blossoms!) Edible poetry cakes, instant song writing and objets d’art created by Ledbury Primary School pupils.
All event happening at Ledbury Poetry House, Barrett Browning Institute, Ledbury.
Drop-in events. Each experience is especially suited one person, a couple, a small group of friends, or a family.