I don’t like musicals, and I’m not that keen on religion, either, so when I was dragged along to see The Book of Job – the Musical, it was very much under protest.
But from the first song, I was hooked. Since then I’ve seen it three times, and listened to the recording many times more, and I’m looking forward to seeing it again at Ledbury.
The Book of Job – the Musical was written by Simon Clayton, a gifted songwriter. It has humour, pathos, comments on religion and the human condition, and an extremely convincing God. The cast of thousands (well, six) portray all the angels of heaven and all the demons in hell, as well as Job and his family; the rousing finale always provokes a standing ovation.
Book of Job was a sell-out a few years ago at the Cheltenham Literature Festival, and it should be a sell-out at Ledbury too, so go on – surprise yourself! Whether or not you like musicals; whether or not you are interested in religion – as long as you love the intelligent use of words and enjoy a good song, go along. You might not get another chance!
You can see clips on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lR4ruJ3axI , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX9MIrU1yCw , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLJgWHy56bg , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOBW8esOSew ) – but these were filmed in a tiny venue, and you really need to see it live to get the full impact.